Extract fshare_1.0.zip file. Upload everything to public_html folder in your web server using FTP.

Create a MySQL database through Cpanel Control panel.

In phpMyAdmin, go to the database you created and import the install/db.sql file by using 'import' feature in phpMyAdmin.

Edit include/config.php and update MySQL login details, your web site url and path to your web site.

$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_name = 'DB_NAME_HERE';
$db_user = 'DB_USERNAME_HERE';
$db_pass = 'DB_PASSWORD_HERE';
$config['basedir'] = "/home/USERNAME/public_html";
$config['baseurl'] = "http://yourdomain.com";

Change permissions of following folders to 777.


You can do this with your FTP client software or control panel provided by web host. To change permission, right click on the folder you wish to change, then select 'properties'. Now enter 777 in the number box or check all squares.

To enable Upload Progress bar you need Perl CGI support.

With FTP client software, set permission for the file cgi-bin/ubr_upload.pl to 755.

Edit cgi-bin/ubr_upload.pl


my $TEMP_DIR        = '/home/username/public_html/templates_c/';

Replace it with path to templates_c/ folder.

In cpanel servers, it will be


You can login to File Hosting admin panel at.

Username: admin
Password: buyscripts

You must change admin password by going to Admin Panel > Configuration > Admin Password.