Signup Settings

Signup Settings

# Allow User Signup:

Values: Yes/No
If Allow User Signup is set to No, new users will not able to signup.

# Signup Verification:

Values: Enabled/Disabled
If signup verification is set to Enabled, after signup, user will be send a verification email, user need to click on the link in this email to verify his account. Only after verification, user will be able to login.

# Notify Signup:

Values: Enable/Disable
If Notify Signup is set Enabled, when new user signup, admin will get an email notification of new user signup.

# Signup Captcha:

Values: Enable/Disable
If Signup Captcha Enableed, when visitor signup, they will be shown captcha image, is is to avoid bot (non-human/automated) registration.

# Signup Captcha Type:

Values: Default/Recaptcha
If Signup Captcha Type set to Default, when visitor signup the basic captcha image displayed in the signup form. If Signup Captcha Type set to Recaptcha, the advanced captcha image displayed in the signup form.

# Date of Birth on Signup:

Values: Yes/No
If Date of Birth on Signup set to Yes, when visitor signup they will be shown a field to enter visitor's data of birth.

# Age Minimum

Values: Minimum Age(18)
Find age with Date of Bith and block users from signup who have age below Minimum Age. It will function only when Age Minimum Enforce set to Yes.

# Age Minimum Enforce

Values: Yes/No
If Age Minimum Enforce set to Yes, only users who have age equal or above of Minimum Age will be allowed to signup.

# Default Friend:

Values: a valid vshare username
If Default Friend is not empty (a valid vshare username), when visitor signup this user will be automatically added as friend.