Miscellaneous Settings

Rate a video:

Values: Once/Unlimited
If Rate a video set to Once, user can rate a video once. If set to Unlimited, user can rate a video once at a time.

Admin listing per page:

You can set here to show how many items will be displayed on one page in admin area.

Number of videos in channel:

You can set here to show how many items will be displayed on one page in Channel detais page.

PHP Path:

You can set here the php installed path.

Recommend Video:

Values: Members Only/Everyone
If Recommend Video set to Members Only, only users can sent videos to their friends.

Allow Video Download:

Values: Yes/No
If Allow Video Download set to Yes, users can download videos from site.

Video Comments per page:

You can set here to show how many video comments will be listed per page on view video page.

Video Comment Notification:

Values: Yes/No
If set to Yes, video owner get notified when video get comments.

User Comments per page:

You can set here to show how many user comments will be displayed per page on user profile page.

WYSIWYG Editor:(For Web Pages)

Values: Enable/Disable

WYSIWYG Editor:(For Email Templates)

Values: Enable/Disable

Mail Admin on Abuse:

Values: Yes/No
If Mail Admin on Abuse set to Yes, when a videos is flagged as inappropriate, an email will be sent to admin.

Max Channels per video:

You can set here to select upto how many channels when uploading video.

Daily Mail Limit Per User:

Admin can limit daily mails send by a user.

Dailymotion Api Key / Dailymotion Api Secret

Click here for more information about DailyMotion.com API Key.

Youtube API Key

To embed videos from youtube, you need YouTube.com API Key.

You can find more information about Youtube API at https://developers.google.com/youtube/registering_an_application

Click here for the instructions to create Youtube (API)